Understanding Ground Beef & What Those Percentages Mean

What Do Those Ground Beef Percentages Mean?

Did you know that ground beef is the most popular type of beef sold in the US? Now you do.

Ground beef sales exceed 7.5 billion tons per year. It accounts for over 60% of beef sales. 

Ground beef is the most versatile beef. It can be used for many different dishes including burgers, meatballs, ziti, tacos, chili, meatloaf, kabobs, bolognese, etc...

When cooking ground beef it is important to know that the color of cooked ground beef is not a good indicator of doneness. This is particularly the case when it comes to lower fat patties require a longer cooking time because they have less heat conduction than higher fat alternatives.

You should select different fat ratios for different dishes.

High Fat Ground Beef (70-85%)

Use higher fat ground beef with a percentage range of 70-85% fat for recipes in which you need to brown the ground beef (burgers) or which call for pouring off drippings such as chili, ziti and spaghetti sauce. The ratio will read with the fat percentage first (e.g. 80/20).

Lean Ground Beef (90%+)

Use leaner ground beef (90%+) when your recipe requires more consistency such as kabobs, meatloaf or meatballs. These will read on the package as a ratio of 90/10.

How To Store Ground Beef

Ground beef goes bad quicker than any other meat. You should always keep it refrigerated and freeze it right away if you will not be consuming it. As a rule of thumb, ground beef can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days or frozen for up to six months.

Not All Ground Beef Is Equal

The majority of ground beef today comes pre-ground from gigantic meat processors. The likelihood of contamination is far greater and accounts for the recall over large geographic areas of beef products from time to time. We recommend purchasing from speciality butchers who grind the meat themselves from sides of beef they butcher such as Meat N' Bone.

Our ground beef is a step above the rest. We freshly grind our ground beef protein onsite from premium cuts of brisket, short ribs or tenderloin, ensuring you get the best flavor and texture in every bite. We also sell premium Akaushi ground beef and 100% grass-fed ground beef. It's one of the most cost effective ways to enjoy the mouth-watering flavors of our premium beef.

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